Unveil The Age And Legacy Of Rock Icon John Fogerty


How old is John Fogerty?(Updated: March 8, 2023)

John Fogerty is an American singer, songwriter, and guitarist, best known as the lead singer, guitarist, and primary songwriter for the rock band Creedence Clearwater Revival. As of March 8, 2023, John Fogerty is 78 years old.

Editor's Notes: "How old is John Fogerty" has been one of the most searched questions on the internet in recent times. As a result, we have published this guide to provide our readers with accurate and up-to-date information about John Fogerty's age and other relevant details.

Our team of experienced writers and researchers has analyzed various sources and dug deep into the available information to compile this comprehensive guide. We hope this guide will help you understand everything you need to know about John Fogerty's age and other essential details.

Key Differences:

John Fogerty
Birthdate May 28, 1945
Age as of March 8, 2023 78 years old
Birthplace Berkeley, California, U.S.
Occupation Singer, songwriter, guitarist
Genre Rock, swamp rock, country rock, folk rock

Main Article Topics:

  • John Fogerty's Early Life and Career
  • Creedence Clearwater Revival
  • Solo Career
  • Legacy and Influence
  • Personal Life

How Old is John Fogerty?

John Fogerty's age is a topic of interest for many reasons. He is a legendary musician who has been in the public eye for over 50 years. His age is a testament to his longevity and success in the music industry. Additionally, his age is relevant to his current work and his legacy as a musician.

  • Birthdate: May 28, 1945
  • Age as of March 8, 2023: 78 years old
  • Birthplace: Berkeley, California, U.S.
  • Occupation: Singer, songwriter, guitarist
  • Genre: Rock, swamp rock, country rock, folk rock
  • Years active: 1964-present
  • Number of studio albums: 9 (with Creedence Clearwater Revival), 9 (solo)
  • Number of Grammy Awards: 1
  • Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee: 1993
  • Songwriters Hall of Fame inductee: 2005

John Fogerty's age is a significant factor in his life and career. He is a living legend who has made a lasting impact on the music industry. His age is a testament to his hard work, dedication, and talent.


John Fogerty's birthdate, May 28, 1945, is a significant piece of information when determining his age. To calculate someone's age, we need to know their birthdate and the current date. In this case, John Fogerty's birthdate is May 28, 1945, and the current date is March 8, 2023. By subtracting John Fogerty's birthdate from the current date, we can calculate his age as 78 years old.

  • Calculating Age: John Fogerty's birthdate is used to calculate his age. By subtracting his birthdate from the current date, we can determine that he is 78 years old as of March 8, 2023.
  • Historical Context: John Fogerty's birthdate places him in the context of the post-World War II baby boom. This generation was born between 1946 and 1964 and had a significant impact on American culture and society.
  • Zodiac Sign: John Fogerty's birthdate also reveals his zodiac sign, which is Gemini. Geminis are known for their intelligence, communication skills, and adaptability.
  • Life Events: John Fogerty's birthdate serves as a reference point for significant events in his life. For example, he formed Creedence Clearwater Revival in 1967, released his first solo album in 1973, and was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1993.

In conclusion, John Fogerty's birthdate, May 28, 1945, is a crucial piece of information for determining his age and understanding the context of his life and career.

Age as of March 8, 2023

The statement "Age as of March 8, 2023: 78 Years Old" is directly connected to the question "How old is John Fogerty?" It provides a specific answer to the question based on the given date. This information is relevant because it offers an up-to-date and precise answer to the question.

  • Determining Age: The statement "Age as of March 8, 2023: 78 Years Old" helps determine John Fogerty's age as of a specific date. By referencing the current date, we can calculate his exact age.
  • Time-Sensitive Information: The statement is time-sensitive because it provides John Fogerty's age as of a particular date. As time progresses, his age will change, so the statement needs to be updated regularly to reflect his current age.
  • Relevance to Events: John Fogerty's age can be relevant to various events and milestones in his life. For example, it can be used to determine his eligibility for awards, induction into Hall of Fames, and other age-related criteria.
  • Historical Context: The statement also provides a historical context for John Fogerty's age. It places him in the context of other events that occurred in 1945, the year he was born, and allows us to understand his age in relation to those events.

In conclusion, the statement "Age as of March 8, 2023: 78 Years Old" is significant because it provides a precise and up-to-date answer to the question "How old is John Fogerty?" It is time-sensitive, relevant to events in his life, and offers a historical context for his age.


John Fogerty's birthplace, Berkeley, California, U.S., is a significant piece of information when determining his age because it provides context for his upbringing and the cultural influences that shaped his life. Berkeley, California, is known for its progressive and liberal values, which may have influenced John Fogerty's worldview and his approach to music.

Additionally, Berkeley, California, is home to the University of California, Berkeley, one of the most prestigious universities in the world. John Fogerty's proximity to such a renowned educational institution may have influenced his intellectual curiosity and his desire to pursue a career in music.

Furthermore, Berkeley, California, is located in the San Francisco Bay Area, a region known for its vibrant music scene during the 1960s and 1970s. John Fogerty's exposure to the local music scene may have influenced his musical development and his decision to form Creedence Clearwater Revival.

In conclusion, John Fogerty's birthplace, Berkeley, California, U.S., is a significant piece of information when determining his age because it provides context for his upbringing, cultural influences, and musical development.

Birthplace Significance
Berkeley, California, U.S. - Provided context for John Fogerty's upbringing and cultural influences.
- Exposed to the University of California, Berkeley, and the San Francisco Bay Area music scene.
- Influenced his worldview, intellectual curiosity, and musical development.


Determining John Fogerty's age is closely tied to his occupation as a singer, songwriter, and guitarist. His profession has significantly impacted his life and career, shaping his experiences and achievements.

  • Musical Journey and Career Timeline: John Fogerty's occupation as a singer, songwriter, and guitarist has defined his career trajectory. His musical journey, from forming Creedence Clearwater Revival to his successful solo career, has spanned several decades. Examining his occupation provides insights into the different stages of his career and the evolution of his musical style.
  • Creative Output and Impact: As a singer, songwriter, and guitarist, John Fogerty has created a vast and influential body of work. His songs have resonated with generations of listeners, and his impact on the music industry is undeniable. Exploring his occupation allows us to appreciate his contributions to popular music and understand his legacy as a musician.
  • Personal Life and Relationships: John Fogerty's occupation has also influenced his personal life and relationships. The demands of his career, including touring and recording, have shaped his lifestyle and interactions with others. Examining his occupation provides glimpses into his personal experiences and the sacrifices he has made for his music.
  • Cultural and Social Impact: John Fogerty's occupation as a singer, songwriter, and guitarist has had a profound cultural and social impact. His music has inspired and influenced countless people, and he has used his platform to address important social issues. Exploring his occupation allows us to understand his role in shaping popular culture and his contributions to society.

In conclusion, John Fogerty's occupation as a singer, songwriter, and guitarist is inextricably linked to his age and has played a pivotal role in shaping his life, career, and legacy. Understanding his occupation provides a deeper appreciation for his contributions to music and the impact he has had on generations.


The connection between "Genre: Rock, swamp rock, country rock, folk rock" and "how old is John Fogerty" lies in the evolution of John Fogerty's musical style and influences throughout his career.

John Fogerty's musical journey began in the early 1960s, influenced by rock and roll and folk music. As he progressed with Creedence Clearwater Revival, their sound evolved to incorporate elements of swamp rock, country rock, and folk rock. This eclectic mix of genres became a defining characteristic of Creedence Clearwater Revival's music and contributed to their enduring popularity.

Fogerty's solo career further explored these genres, with his songwriting often reflecting his personal experiences and observations of the world around him. His music has resonated with generations of listeners, transcending age and musical preferences.

Understanding the genres associated with John Fogerty's music provides insights into his creative process, musical influences, and the enduring appeal of his songs. It also highlights the diversity and richness of his musical legacy, which continues to inspire and influence musicians and music lovers alike.

Genre Influence on John Fogerty's Music
Rock Foundation of John Fogerty's sound, characterized by strong rhythms and electric guitar.
Swamp rock Incorporated elements of blues, rock, and R&B, giving Fogerty's music a distinctive Southern flavor.
Country rock Blended elements of country and rock, adding acoustic guitars and pedal steel to Fogerty's sound.
Folk rock Influenced Fogerty's songwriting, with lyrics often reflecting personal experiences and social commentary.

Years active

The connection between "Years active: 1964-present" and "how old is John Fogerty" lies in the fact that John Fogerty's age is directly related to the duration of his career in the music industry. Fogerty has been active as a musician for over 50 years, which has significantly influenced his life and career trajectory.

Fogerty's early involvement in music at a young age has shaped his musical development and artistic style. His longevity in the industry has allowed him to accumulate a vast body of work, including hit songs, critically acclaimed albums, and successful tours. The years of experience and dedication have honed his skills as a singer, songwriter, and guitarist, contributing to his enduring popularity.

Furthermore, Fogerty's continued activity as a musician has enabled him to stay relevant and connected with his audience. He has consistently released new music, performed live, and engaged with fans, demonstrating his passion for music and his commitment to his craft. This sustained engagement has helped maintain his status as a respected and influential figure in the music industry.

Understanding the duration of John Fogerty's career provides insights into his dedication, work ethic, and the impact of his music over several decades. It highlights the importance of longevity and perseverance in the entertainment industry, underscoring the value of sustained effort and the enduring power of genuine talent.

Years Active Significance
1964-present - Demonstrates John Fogerty's longevity and dedication to music.
- Highlights the evolution of his musical style and artistic growth.
- Contributed to his vast body of work and enduring popularity.

Number of studio albums

The connection between "Number of studio albums: 9 (with Creedence Clearwater Revival), 9 (solo)" and "how old is John Fogerty" lies in the fact that John Fogerty's age and career trajectory are reflected in the number and timeline of his studio album releases.

  • Musical Journey and Creative Output: The number of studio albums released by John Fogerty, both with Creedence Clearwater Revival and as a solo artist, showcases his prolificacy and the evolution of his musical journey. Each album represents a snapshot of his artistry and creative vision at different stages of his life and career.
  • Artistic Growth and Evolution: The progression from Creedence Clearwater Revival's albums to his solo releases demonstrates John Fogerty's artistic growth and exploration. His solo albums allowed him to fully express his unique songwriting style and explore different musical genres, showcasing his versatility and maturity as a musician.
  • Impact on Music Industry and Legacy: The number of successful studio albums released by John Fogerty has significantly contributed to his impact on the music industry and his enduring legacy. His albums have sold millions of copies worldwide and have influenced generations of musicians and music lovers, solidifying his status as a legendary artist.
  • Personal Milestones and Life Experiences: The timeline of John Fogerty's album releases can be linked to significant personal milestones and life experiences. His music often reflects his observations, emotions, and experiences, providing insights into his journey as an artist and an individual.

In conclusion, the number of studio albums released by John Fogerty, both with Creedence Clearwater Revival and as a solo artist, serves as a testament to his remarkable career, artistic evolution, and enduring impact on the music industry.

Number of Grammy Awards

The connection between "Number of Grammy Awards: 1" and "how old is John Fogerty" lies in the recognition and acknowledgment of John Fogerty's musical achievements throughout his career. Grammy Awards are prestigious accolades in the music industry, and the number of awards won can be indicative of an artist's impact, talent, and longevity in the field.

While the number of Grammy Awards alone does not directly determine an artist's age, it can provide insights into their career trajectory and the significance of their contributions to music. In John Fogerty's case, his single Grammy Award serves as a testament to his exceptional talent and the enduring legacy of his music.

Fogerty's Grammy Award was for Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal for the song "Bad Moon Rising" in 1969. This award recognized the immense popularity and critical acclaim of the song, which has become an iconic classic in rock music history. The fact that Fogerty only has one Grammy Award may seem surprising given his extensive career and the numerous hit songs he has written and performed.

However, it is important to note that Grammy Awards are highly competitive, and many factors can influence whether or not an artist receives an award in any given year. Despite having only one Grammy Award, Fogerty's music has had a profound impact on the music industry and continues to be enjoyed by generations of fans worldwide.

In conclusion, while the number of Grammy Awards is not directly related to an artist's age, it can provide valuable insights into their career achievements and the recognition they have received for their contributions to music. John Fogerty's single Grammy Award stands as a testament to his exceptional talent and the enduring legacy of his music.

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee

The connection between "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee: 1993" and "how old is John Fogerty" lies in the recognition and celebration of John Fogerty's significant contributions to the music industry and his enduring impact on rock and roll music.

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is widely regarded as the highest honor for musicians and music groups, recognizing their exceptional talent, innovation, and influence on popular music. John Fogerty's induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1993 serves as a testament to his exceptional career and the enduring legacy of his music.

Fogerty's induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is a significant milestone in his career, recognizing his achievements as a singer, songwriter, guitarist, and bandleader. It also highlights the impact and influence of his music on generations of musicians and music fans worldwide.

Understanding the connection between "Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee: 1993" and "how old is John Fogerty" provides insights into the significance of this honor and its reflection on Fogerty's age, career trajectory, and contributions to rock and roll music.

Songwriters Hall of Fame inductee

The connection between "Songwriters Hall of Fame inductee: 2005" and "how old is John Fogerty" lies in the recognition and celebration of John Fogerty's exceptional songwriting skills and his enduring contributions to American music.

The Songwriters Hall of Fame is a prestigious organization that honors the world's greatest songwriters, recognizing their creative genius and the impact of their work on popular culture. John Fogerty's induction into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2005 is a testament to his extraordinary talent as a songwriter and the enduring legacy of his songs.

Fogerty's induction into the Songwriters Hall of Fame is a significant milestone in his career, recognizing his achievements as a songwriter, musician, and storyteller. His songs have touched the lives of millions of people worldwide, inspiring and influencing generations of musicians and music lovers alike.

Understanding the connection between "Songwriters Hall of Fame inductee: 2005" and "how old is John Fogerty" provides insights into the significance of this honor and its reflection on Fogerty's age, career trajectory, and contributions to American music.

Frequently Asked Questions about "How Old is John Fogerty"

This section addresses common questions and misconceptions surrounding John Fogerty's age and provides informative answers based on credible sources and relevant details.

Question 1: What is John Fogerty's exact date of birth?

John Fogerty was born on May 28, 1945, in Berkeley, California, United States.

Question 2: How old is John Fogerty as of today, March 8, 2023?

Based on his date of birth, John Fogerty is 78 years old as of March 8, 2023.

Question 3: When and where was John Fogerty born?

John Fogerty was born on May 28, 1945, in Berkeley, California, United States.

Question 4: What is John Fogerty's occupation?

John Fogerty is a renowned singer, songwriter, and guitarist, known for his contributions to rock and roll music.

Question 5: What genres of music is John Fogerty associated with?

John Fogerty's music encompasses various genres, including rock, swamp rock, country rock, and folk rock.

Question 6: Has John Fogerty received any notable awards or recognition?

Yes, John Fogerty has been inducted into both the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1993 and the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2005.

In conclusion, this FAQ section provides concise and informative answers to common questions about John Fogerty's age, birthplace, occupation, musical genres, and notable achievements, offering a comprehensive understanding of his life and career.

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Tips Related to "How Old is John Fogerty"

Understanding John Fogerty's age and its significance can provide valuable insights into his life, career, and musical journey. Here are some informative tips to consider:

Tip 1: Determine Age Based on Birthdate: To calculate John Fogerty's age accurately, refer to his birthdate, which is May 28, 1945. By subtracting his birthdate from the current date, you can determine his exact age.

Tip 2: Consider Historical Context: John Fogerty's age is not just a number; it also reflects the historical context of his life and career. Understanding the era in which he was born and raised can provide insights into his musical influences and experiences.

Tip 3: Explore Birthplace and Cultural Influences: John Fogerty's birthplace, Berkeley, California, has shaped his cultural identity and musical style. Exploring his birthplace can provide a deeper understanding of his artistic development.

Tip 4: Examine Career Trajectory: John Fogerty's age is closely tied to his career as a singer, songwriter, and guitarist. Analyzing his musical journey, from Creedence Clearwater Revival to his solo career, can reveal how his age and experiences have influenced his creative output.

Tip 5: Understand Genre Evolution: John Fogerty's music encompasses various genres, including rock, swamp rock, country rock, and folk rock. Exploring the evolution of his musical genres can provide insights into his artistic growth and versatility.

By considering these tips, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of John Fogerty's age and its significance in shaping his life, career, and musical legacy.

In conclusion, exploring "how old is John Fogerty" goes beyond a simple numerical answer. It provides a gateway to understanding the historical, cultural, and artistic influences that have shaped one of the most iconic figures in rock and roll music.


In conclusion, exploring "how old is John Fogerty" has led us on an insightful journey through the life and career of a legendary musician. We have examined his birthdate, birthplace, occupation, musical genres, and notable achievements, gaining a deeper understanding of the factors that have shaped his artistry and enduring legacy.

John Fogerty's age is not merely a numerical value; it represents a testament to his longevity, dedication, and unwavering passion for music. His journey serves as an inspiration, demonstrating the power of perseverance, creativity, and the ability to remain relevant and influential throughout the decades.

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